· By Buda Juice
Best breakfasts to fill your body with nutrients
Ah, breakfast. For someone, morning is the best part of the day, and for someone, it's the worst. When it comes to breakfast, we share this thesis again. Someone eats a perfectly nutritious meal for breakfast, a meal that nourishes the body for hours after. And on the other hand, we also have people having coffee for breakfast. Breakfast is a habit, and it is a very difficult habit if it is not planted from an early age.
Breakfast has long been known as one of the most important meals of the day. It gives our bodies fuel to continue the day. It is easier to digest food in the morning, which means that our metabolism speeds up – goodbye weight gain.
Do you know about the folk one; have breakfast like an emperor, lunch like an average man, and dinner like a poor man. There is nothing more to add, breakfast is the most important and gives the highest level of energy. Below you will read which food combination gives the best breakfast, and it is up to you to choose one!
Champion's breakfast
What do you think are the top 4 foods used in breakfast? These 4 foods are each particularly nutritious, delicious, and can be prepared in a lot of ways. Take the best of each recipe and plan your breakfast in advance. Only then will you be sure to have the ingredients in the fridge when you wake up. Because we have already learned that breakfast is not just coffee. Or nothing.
In addition to nutrients and ideas, you will also find juices that go best with every breakfast. It will be that last blow for a beautiful and fulfilling start to the day. Even when and what exercise would be included in the whole regime .... Step by step, but certainly to health!
1) Oats
Oat flakes are eaten from time to time. They must stand soaked in yogurt or milk overnight so that they can be prepared and eaten. That's probably why it's not the most common breakfast ever. But one of the more popular it certainly is. It is impossible to say one reason why this is so, and it is best to see for yourself.
Oat is almost unprocessed. They are rich in fiber that slows down the digestion of carbohydrates thus lowering blood sugar levels. When blood sugar drops, we get a feeling of satiety, and that’s why it’s good to eat oatmeal. In any form. In addition, they contain vitamins E, B1 and b2, and minerals such as zinc, selene, copper, and silicon. They will protect your body from the culprits for the development of the disease and are rich in calcium, potassium, and magnesium. Really rich food.
Ingredients for best breakfast 1 .:
1 teaspoon cinnamon
50g oats
2 tablespoons yogurt
50g of forest fruit
1 teaspoon honey
1 cup of milk
The night before, dip the oats in the milk and add a pinch of salt. The next day add more milk if needed and add the other ingredients. Add honey (you can also use another sweetener, such as agave syrup), fruit, yogurt, and sprinkle with berries.
This breakfast can be made in many other ways, and this one is one of our favorites.
Also, in addition to coffee, NO.02 Red Juice would be great, which contains celery, apple, ginger, ... Perfect hit!
2) Toast
Toasts are usually the most ideal breakfast because they are quick and you can make whatever you want with them. Bread is a food that is characterized by high nutritional and energy value. Bread is often not a favorite food, but like it or not, the bread will provide energy and satiate us. It is rich in vitamin B which is necessary for the maintenance of nerve cells. You can also choose black bread that is rich in plant fiber, which speeds up digestion.
One of the ideas for breakfast toast is toast with avocado and egg. With the right spices, this wonderful breakfast will be as nutritious as it is delicious.
This breakfast really has it all; carbohydrates in bread, protein in eggs, and healthy fats in avocado.
Ingredients for best breakfast 2:
2 toasts
1 avocado
1 egg
Juice of one lime
Crush the avocado with a little lime juice, add salt and pepper. The toast spread is done! Then fry the egg. Preparation is totally your choice, we baked it on the eye. You can turn it into scrambled eggs, you can poach, ... the possibilities are endless. You can toast a little for the best taste.
Arrange on toast in order - avocado, egg. Done!
Of course, you can also drink coffee with this breakfast. And you can also NO.08 Zen orange juice. It will go well with your breakfast, and it is also rich in vitamin C.
3) Eggs
Eggs are probably the most used breakfast food ever. We all eat eggs because they are delicious, simple, cheap, and nutritious. One egg has a handful of proteins, choline, iron, folic acid, vitamins, ... A real little kingdom of nutrients. The only thing that bothers us about eggs is the high cholesterol level, so be careful with your egg intake. Let it be on your menu every, say, 3 days.
Eggs can be prepared in 101 ways. We can season it in 120 ways and combine it with another 150 other foods. However, in the morning we want as much simplicity as possible, and the egg is just that - simple.
This is one of the derivatives of Tacos, so get ready for this Mexican trip!
Ingredients for preparing the best breakfast 3 .:
1 potato
2 eggs
2 tablespoons sauce (salsa, hot sauce, sweet and sour sauce, your choice really)
A handful of cilantro
2 pickles
The procedure is very simple. Bake the egg and potatoes in a pan. Potatoes are best when cut into small cubes, they will bake faster and will remain crispy. Add the other ingredients to the taco and that’s it!
Pair with NO.04 Blue lemonade juice consisting of apple, cucumber and lemon . This juice is rich in spirulina which you can learn more about here.
4) Fruit
Fruit is the last of the 4 foods that are somehow among the most used for breakfast. Only here can we write how much fruit is healthy and nutritious, how many vitamins, minerals and more it contains. Even the birds on the branch know how many ideas can be realized with just one fruit. Really thankful food. We often use other foods in the preparation of a fruit-based breakfast. These are most often oats, milk, pudding versions, granola, smoothies, compotes, muffins, ... The idea is countless.
One of the derivatives of breakfast with fruit is, as mentioned above is fruit combined with granola, but also yogurt.
Yogurt and Granola bowl
You will only need a few groceries to prepare this breakfast.
1 Yogurt
1 cup Granola (best if it's homemade)
½ cup raspberries
½ sup blueberries
½ cup strawberries
Wash and chop the fruit. Put one yogurt in a bowl, sprinkle with granola, and put all the fruit on top. Arrange the fruit in the pattern you want and enjoy!
Save NO.10 Zen Kale with this delicious and sweet breakfast. This drink is a combination of sweet and sour, or the perfect balance between pineapple and kale.
That's it, folks! Enjoy your breakfasts with our Buda Juices, and stay positive!